Monday, June 13, 2011

Obvious Opinion: Nintendo had the worst E3

Ok, before you read this their are two things that I should be honest about. I don't own a Wii or Nintendo 3DS (own a Nintendo DS and a Gamecube though), so there may be some Sony + Microsft fanboy bias. Now that you know the truth, I just want to give you my own perspective on this years E3. I am a core gamer at heart. Nintendo's E3 last year was the best one, but this year I believe that Nintendo's wasn't as good compared to the others.

Microsoft: Look, some of the Kinect stuff was bad but it's somewhat starting to grow on me with its intiutive controls, and while I was hoping that Crytek wouldn't make an exclusive Xbox game for Kinect, they did and Kinect seems more appealing now. One thing I liked about Microsoft's E3 was that they are trying to turn the Xbox into an overal entertainment system where you can access live TV, youtube, and netflix. My main complaint was that there weren't enough exclusives that really caught my eye. The only ones I were really interested in was Gears 3 and Forza 4. Both Halo reveals were kinda cool, and before you say "oh Microsoft had no ideas so they are recycling Halo" then I will immediately point you to Nintendo.

Sony: This was the best press conference in my opionion. I'll identify the main problem, all that 3D crap is still there. Sony still doesn't understand that even with a 600 dollar TV, 3D is STILL NOT ACCESSIBLE. Another thing I have come to realize was that from my perspective, playstation move sucks if your a core gamer. Ok now that we have that out of the way, what I loved about the Sony press conference was all of the exclusive games! Infamous 2 recently came out (and I love it), but also Resitance 3, Uncharted 3, Sly Cooper. Surpisingly they didn't mention Twisted Metal, but Sony is going to have another great year exclusive wise. The playstation Vita looks awesome, was well priced at $250 dollars without AT&T's 3G support . Plus there are a good amount of games being developed for the Vita. Good stuff on both fronts, now onto my least favorite.

Nintendo: The Zelda stuff went on for waaaay to long, I am not a hardcore Zelda fan so maybe I just don't "get it". Moving on the the 3DS, I thought that even though most of the games were reboots or in some actual cases, sequels, however after seeing playstation's new portable Vita being $250 dollars like the 3DS, and the Vita just looks better in general. I have futzed around with 3DS's in the past, and while I may have not found that 3D "sweet spot" on the adjuster, I really don't see what the big deal of 3D is. Maybe time will tell

Lastly and most importantly is my outlook of the Wii U: I am extremely paranoid about it. Yes its backward compatible with previous Wii controllers and games, and that is great (especially if I owned a Wii). But based on what I have heard so far, the Wii U's processing power scales of the the 360 and the PS3. Some people may initially think that that's great, but lets propose a hypothetical situation. Microsoft and Sony announce their new console in 2013, and they will be available in stores by 2014. What happens to the Wii U, there are two (or three) possibilities. Either it ends up being a success like the Wii and it appeals to casual gamers or it ends up like the Dreamcast and it will be disregarded when the next real "generation" of consoles arrives. I think it will be a combination of the 2 becuase this is Nintendo after all and they will make money of this, but money aside, I just don't see what the big deal is with the Wii U or the controller. Like Move and Kinect, Wii's contrroller could also be considered "gimicky". Play on the screen if someone else is using the TV? I mean I could just do something else like watch TV with them or go on the internet posting stupid's applications in some of the games are cool, but I am just not feeling it yet. Maybe I am stupid, but it actually took me a while to figure out that the Wii U was a new console and not an addon. Regardless I don't think the Wii U has a bright future, and as for the 3DS, I think it deserves to get a price drop but that likely won't happen in a while. I think that I may buy Sony's handheld over Nintendo's depending on how each one turns out within a year or so.


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